Cloudyn vs Cloudability - A Comparison of Cloud Cost Optimization Platforms for AWS

October 15, 2021

Cloudyn vs Cloudability - A Comparison of Cloud Cost Optimization Platforms for AWS

Cloud computing has transformed the way businesses operate by providing infinite scalability, flexibility, and reduced infrastructure costs. AWS, one of the most popular cloud service providers, offers a wide range of services with different pricing models, making it challenging for businesses to manage costs effectively.

Cloud cost optimization platforms come to the rescue by providing real-time visibility into cloud infrastructure costs, optimizing resource utilization, and analyzing usage patterns to forecast costs.

In this article, we will compare Cloudyn and Cloudability - two popular cloud cost optimization platforms for AWS.


Cloudyn and Cloudability provide similar functionalities, making it easy to compare the two platforms. Both the platforms offer cost optimization by providing insights into the AWS infrastructure costs, utilization, and services.

Cloudyn is a SaaS-based platform that offers real-time monitoring and analytics capabilities to manage AWS costs. The platform consolidates data from multiple AWS accounts and provides insights into cost optimization opportunities.

Cloudability is a cloud-based platform that provides visibility into AWS infrastructure costs, utilization, and services. The platform offers budgeting and forecasting capabilities, alerts, and reports for identifying optimization opportunities.

Cost Management

One of the essential features of a cloud cost optimization platform is cost management. Cloudyn and Cloudability offer similar capabilities for cost management, making it challenging to differentiate.

Cloudyn provides an interactive dashboard that shows cost breakdown by AWS services, allowing users to identify cost optimization opportunities. The platform offers predictive analytics for cost optimization based on usage patterns and recommends a cost-saving plan.

Cloudability provides insights into AWS infrastructure costs through a user-friendly dashboard. The platform offers customizable reports and alerts for identifying cost optimization opportunities. The platform also comes with a "rightsizing" feature that recommends restructuring of AWS resources for cost optimization.


Cloudyn and Cloudability can integrate with other third-party tools, enabling users to streamline their workflows.

Cloudyn offers seamless integration with AWS services, providing real-time analytics insights. The platform can also integrate with services like PagerDuty, ServiceNow, and JIRA.

Cloudability offers integration with AWS services, providing actionable insights into infrastructure costs. The platform can also integrate with other services like Slack, SSO, and DevOps tools like Jenkins and Ansible.


Cloudyn and Cloudability provide a unique pricing model based on usage, making it difficult to compare the two platforms.

Cloudyn's pricing model is based on the number of resources managed and the duration. The platform offers a 14-day free trial period, and users can download pricing details by contacting the sales team.

Cloudability's pricing model is based on the number of AWS accounts managed and the duration. The platform offers a free trial period, and users can download pricing details by contacting the sales team.


Cloudyn and Cloudability offer similar functionalities for cost optimization, making it challenging to differentiate the two platforms. Both the platforms provide real-time visibility into AWS infrastructure costs, utilization, and services, making it easy for users to optimize costs.

However, Cloudyn offers a more interactive dashboard, predictive analytics, and integration with JIRA, making it a better choice for DevOps teams. On the other hand, Cloudability provides a user-friendly dashboard, customizable reports, and a "rightsizing" feature for cost optimization, making it ideal for businesses looking for cost optimization at scale.

So, which platform should you choose? The answer depends on your business requirements, size, and budget. The best way to determine which platform suits your business would be to use the trial periods offered by both platforms and decide based on your experience.


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